
Ports of the World Quiz – Revealing the correct answers!

In our previous newsletter, we presented an exciting challenge that allowed you to test your knowledge while exploring the world through a series of photographs and clues. The challenge consisted of identifying ten significant ports that play a crucial role in global commerce and cultural exchange. Each correct answer earned you one point. By checking the answers below, see if you guessed the ports in the quiz.

  1. Auckland Port, New Zealand
  2. London Gateway, United Kingdom
  3. Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  4. Port of Cape Town, South Africa
  5. Port of Constanta, Romania
  6. Sydney Harbour, Australia
  7. Port of Oakland, California, USA
  8. Port of San Antonio, Chile
  9. Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands
  10. Port of Tauranga, New Zealand


Congratulations to all participants! We hope you enjoyed the quiz.



Photo credit: Pixabay